Revolutionizing the K-12 Education Approach...
Academik America’s K-12 advancement initiative offers comprehensive support to schools, assisting them in addressing various academic, operational, program, or administrative challenges encountered in pre-college education. Our approach involves aligning their educational systems with robust and globally proven methodologies. Teaching and learning are intricate processes influenced by different factors. At Academik America, we advocate against scripted teaching and prioritize students' passions and needs in shaping the curriculum. Our core belief is that education's purpose is to foster critically thinking individuals who consume and produce information mindfully, preparing them to become the thought leaders of the next generation.
Transforming the Gears of the K-12 Education System...
Through the Academik America K-12 advancement initiative, we aim to instill a belief among educators that students' natural curiosity about the world and their enthusiasm for learning flourish when they can see the relevance of their studies in their lives. Classroom learning should be intertwined with their real-life experiences, and they should be provided with opportunities to engage in purposeful activities beyond school, which allow them to apply their knowledge in practical contexts. Schools participating in this initiative adopt global standards during the accreditation process, with a crucial focus on empowering teachers. Recognizing that teachers have an intimate understanding of their students, they should receive comprehensive support, ranging from designing engaging curricula that meet their students' needs to advocating for policies that benefit their students with federal, state, and local education authorities.
Empowered and Prepared for the Future...
As an education company, we firmly believe in becoming dedicated partners with teachers, students, and school administrators to support the crucial task of educating our children. At Academik America, we join forces with innovative education nonprofits and school systems to expand opportunities for underserved students, empowering them to improve their lives and reach their full potential. Our commitment lies in supporting high-impact organizations worldwide that seek to revolutionize education and bring about long-lasting, systemic change within their communities.
Comprehensive Support for all K-12 Needs...
Utilizing sophisticated statistical methods, we conduct in-depth analysis to assess the effectiveness of academic programs and school interventions while accrediting participating schools in this initiative. Working closely with educators and school administrators, we identify and address potential areas for improvement, leveraging our findings to create a comprehensive, step-by-step plan aimed at enhancing student educational outcomes. This initiative covers a wide range of essential areas for schools, including:
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- College and career readiness
- Effectiveness of educators
- Professional development for educators
- School turnaround
- Employee satisfaction
- School safety and school climate
- Models for student growth
- Special education
- School and student discipline
Contact us today to discover the possibilities of collaborating with world-renowned leaders.